
This is a partial list of my publications. I will update the list with more papers and links.


24.  Langovoy, M., A unified approach to data analysis and modeling of the appearance of materials for computer graphics and multidimensional reflectometry (2015). Book chapter, to appear in the Transactions on Engineering Technologies (published by Springer).

23.  Langovoy, M., Machine learning and statistical analysis for BRDF data from computer graphics and multidimensional reflectometry. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science (2015), Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp. 23-30.

22.  Langovoy, M., Wuebbeler, G., Elster, C., Statistical analysis of BRDF data for computer graphics and metrology (2014). Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014, pp. 785 — 790.

21.  Langovoy, M., Wittich, O., Robust nonparametric detection of objects in noisy images. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (2013), 25, no. 2, pp. 409 – 426.

20.  Langovoy, M., Wittich, O., Randomized algorithms for statistical image analysis and site percolation on square lattices. Statistica Neerlandica, Vol. 67, Issue 3 (2013), pp. 337 – 353.

19.  Langovoy, M., Wuebbeler, G., Elster, C., Novel metric for analysis, interpretation and visualization of BRDF data (2014). Submitted.

18.  Langovoy, M. (with 16 co-authors), xD-Reflect – “Multidimensional Reflectometry for Industry”. Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on New Developments and Applications in Optical Radiometry (2014), pp. 295 — 297.

17.  Langovoy, M., Uniform consistency of spatial scan estimators and k-NN scan estimators (2013). Submitted.

16.  Davies, P.L., Langovoy, M., Wittich, O., Detection of objects in noisy images based on percolation theory (2012). Submitted.

15.  Langovoy, M., Data-driven goodness-of-fit tests (2012). Submitted.

14.  Langovoy, M., Sra, S., Statistical estimation for optimization problems on graphs. NIPS Workshop on Discrete Optimization for Machine Learning (DISCML) (2011): Uncertainty, Generalization and Feedback, pp. 1 — 6.

13.  Langovoy, M., Habeck, M., Schölkopf, B., Adaptive nonparametric detection in cryo-electron microscopy. Proceedings of the 58-th World Statistical Congress (2011), Session: High Dimensional Data, pp. 4456 — 4461.

12.  Langovoy, M., Habeck, M., Schölkopf, B., Spatial statistics, image analysis and percolation theory (2011). The Joint Statistical Meetings Proceedings, Time Series and Network Section, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, pp. 5571 — 5581.

11.  Langovoy, M., Algebraic polynomials and moments of stochastic integrals. Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 81, Issue 6 (2011), pp. 627 — 631.

10.  Langovoy, M., Wittich, O., Multiple testing, uncertainty and realistic pictures (2011). EURANDOM report 2011-004.

9.  Wittich, O., Langovoy, M., Insect vision – a different image analysis paradigm (2013). Submitted.

8.  Langovoy, M., Wittich, O., Robust nonparametric detection of objects in noisy images (2010). EURANDOM report 2010-049.

7.  Langovoy, M., Wittich, O., Computationally efficient algorithms for statistical image processing. Implementation in R (2010). EURANDOM report 2010-053.

6.  Langovoy, M., Wittich, O., Detection of objects in noisy images and site percolation on square lattices  (2009). EURANDOM report 2009-035.

5.  Langovoy, M., Algebraic polynomials and moments of stochastic integrals (2009). EURANDOM report 2009-031.

4.  Langovoy, M., Model selection, large deviations and consistency of data-driven tests (2009). EURANDOM report 2009-007.

3.  Langovoy, M., Data-driven efficient score tests for deconvolution hypotheses. Inverse Problems 24 (2008), 17 pages.

2.  Langovoy, M., Data-driven goodness-of-fit tests. Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Göttingen, July 2007, 89 pages.

1.  Langovoy, M.,  On the generalized Goldbach conjecture. Preprint (2001). In Russian.



32.  Langovoy, M., Statistical properties and dynamics of mobile phone communication networks of Ivory Coast (2013). Internal Technical Report for Bell Labs, pp. 1 — 8. Unpublished due to company’s high-tech intellectual property policies.

31. Langovoy, M., Time series analysis for single household energy consumption prediction (2012). Internal Technical Report for Bell Labs, pp. 1 — 4.

30. Langovoy, M., Perception-based estimation, classification and clustering for BRDF models of goniochromism and gloss (2015). Internal Technical Report  within Industrial Joint Research Program xDReflect, European Association of National Metrology Institutes, pp. 1 — 13.

29. Langovoy, M., Schmaehling, F., Wuebbeler, G., Chameleon: a parallel computing software for Monte Carlo modeling, visualization and sensitivity analysis of BRDF measurements of materials with complex appearance, based on a real-life robotic gonioreflectometer of the PTB. (2015). Internal Technical Report within Industrial Joint Research Program xDReflect, EURAMET Association, pp. 1 — 12.

28.  Langovoy, M., Wuebbeler, G., Empirical Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function models for goniochromatism and gloss (2014). Internal Technical Report within Industrial Joint Research Program xDReflect, European Association of National Metrology Institutes, pp. 1 — 12.

27.  Langovoy, M., Wuebbeler, G., Sensitivity analysis for BRDF measurements of standard reference materials (2014). Internal Technical Report within Industrial Joint Research Program xDReflect, European Association of National Metrology Institutes, pp. 1 — 15.

26.  Langovoy, M., Wuebbeler, G., Parameter estimates determined from Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function measurements for standard reference materials (2014). Internal Technical Report within Industrial Joint Research Program xDReflect, European Association of National Metrology Institutes, pp. 1 — 16.

25.  Langovoy, M., Wuebbeler, G., Empirical Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function models for standard reference materials (2013). Internal Technical Report within Industrial Joint Research Program xDReflect of European Association of National Metrology Institutes, pp. 1 — 9.



33.  Langovoy, M., Adaptive rate optimality of spatial scan estimators and k-NN scan estimators.

34.  Langovoy, M., Shneer, V.,  Perfect simulation of heavy-tailed distributions and extreme events.

35.  Langovoy, M., Data-driven tests, inverse problems and machine learning. IMS Lecture Notes and Monograph Series.

36.  Albeverio, S., Langovoy, M.,  Algebraic polynomials and new estimates for stochastic integrals.

37.  Langovoy, M., Schölkopf, B., Support vector machines for structured and data-dependent output spaces and their universal consistency.