Professional Experience

Mikhail Langovoy ThumbnailThis page contains a partial version of my technical CV and includes information about my Professional experience,  Education and the Languages that I speak.

CEO and Co-Founder

Stealth Mode AI Startup

Karlsruhe, Germany                                 August 2022 – present

Based on 15+ years of R&D performed at World’s top universities and research centers

Results contributed by professors and researchers from over 20 universities in 5 countries, including

– MPI for Intelligent Systems, MPI for Developmental Biology, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, University of Göttingen, KIT, RWTH Aachen, University of Duisburg-Essen, TU Dortmund, University of Tübingen, PTB Berlin (Germany)

– EPFL, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

– Bell Labs, MIT, UC Davis, UC San Diego (USA)

– TU Eindhoven, CWI, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

– University of Cambridge (UK)

Claims on efficiency of technology supported by publications in top journals and conferences in machine learning, statistics, mathematics

Experimental software was installed on equipment in 3 biotech labs

The startup

– received net profit in the 1st year, secured funding for the 2nd year

– won 1 state grant and 1 national competition for tech startups

Performed market research, created presentations and over 700 pages of portfolio materials

Run experiments and created over 300 examples with AI-solutions for problems from over 90 topics and over 30 domains

Assembled the core development team of 5 contributors with 20+ years of experience each

Actively looked for product-market fit, tested various business-models

Negotiated projects and received feedback on the technology from top management of 46 companies in 8 countries

Solved 3 real-world problems for commercial companies

Created prototypes of AI-solutions for 5 classes of problems – available for demonstration.

Head of Artificial Intelligence Department

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Karlsruhe, Germany                                                                                                      2019 – 2022

We develop cutting-edge novel methods for Artificial Intelligence, including tools for statistical learning, unsupervised machine learning, data science, and applied mathematics.

Examples of applications of our research include

– the new generation of Smart Energy Networks in Europe

– the Internet of Things

– AI for advanced manufacturing

– systems of autonomous robots

– Cyber-Physical Systems

– Deep Learning

– systems in virtual and augmented reality

– and automated analysis of social, industrial, and political networks.

We demonstrate the positive impact of our results on economy and society by actively supporting the transfer of our innovations and technologies to practice.

We have a number of industry partnerships, and collaborations with businesses and organizations, both national and global.

Senior Machine Learning Scientist

Machine Learning & Optimization Laboratory

EPFL     (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)

Geneva Area, Switzerland                                                                                            2016 – 2019

I am leading academic and commercial research on Machine Learning and Data Science for large-scale connected intelligent systems.

Within this area, I am particularly interested in machine learning for Advanced Manufacturing and the Internet of Things for Industry 4.0. This is one of the strategic focus areas for Switzerland, where I lead machine learning research on a long-term national project “Nano-Assembly”, collaborating with major Swiss and international manufacturers.

Other areas of my work include:

– smart environments research,

– automated analysis of social, telecom, and political networks,

– automated analysis of biomedical images and of personalized healthcare data,

– optimal configurations of neurons for Deep Learning applications.

I have led official EPFL courses, trainings, and webinars on Deep Learning, Applied Machine Learning, and Data Science, for Swiss and international corporations.

I supervised, trained, and mentored students and researchers at EPFL, ETH Zurich, and other distinguished research institutions, on over 15 projects, and both in academic and in industrial setting.

I performed consulting in Machine Learning and Data Science for Swiss and international businesses.

I developed machine learning algorithms that are the core technology of a new Swiss company that is currently at the spin-off stage from ETH in Zurich.


Principal Data Scientist / Researcher in Statistics and Machine Learning

PTB Berlin

Berlin, Germany                                                                                                            – 2016

Research lead in Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Science for the European Union-wide Industrial Research Programme xD-Reflect: “Multidimensional reflectometry for industry”.

Among the participants, 12 research institutes from 10 countries worldwide and more than 30 industrial partners from 10 different industries, such as automotive, paper, printing, packaging, cosmetics, coatings, plastics and steel industries, and e-commerce.

The results obtained by teams under my guidance, are being used to set new fundamental visual quality standards and guidelines for manufacturers in the European Union. This is expected to lead to improvement of appearance of goods in dozens of industries, improving competitive position of European businesses with multi-trillion combined annual turnover.

Led research on machine learning for computer graphics and reflectometry, perception-based material appearance modeling, realistic models for sophisticated visual effects; design of experiments, active learning.

Advised scientists and programmers from 7 departments of 6 National Metrology Institutes and research Universities, in 6 countries within the European Union, in machine learning, statistics, applied mathematics.

Led large-scale virtual experiments using parallel computing, designed sampling and active learning strategies for robots with complex sensors, composed research reports for governmental foundations.

Developed a universal machine learning approach to manifold-valued visual appearance data, based on those goals that are common both for computer graphics as well as for industrial applications. This development is essential for such application areas as virtual reality and e-commerce.

– Served as an invited data science expert and consultant for Businesses in 5 countries worldwide, across a broad range of industries and topics.

Researcher in Statistics and Machine Learning

Bell Laboratories

Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA                                                                                      

Conducted research in the Statistics & Learning Research Department as well as in the Strategic Industries Research Department, Berlin, Germany, in parallel.

The main expertise can be broadly summarized as applied research for the Internet of Things.

Led research on Support Vector Machines, time series analysis, and on machine learning and statistics applied to mobile communication networks.

Led 5 industrial research projects, consulted on 12 business projects, established collaborations with academic institutions, participated in negotiations with external partners and in cross-departmental meetings, composed 3 annual performance reports supporting 2 departments, gained access to major data resources.

Advised researchers, engineers and developers of Bell Labs’ Strategic Industries Research Department in machine learning, statistics, applied mathematics; shared experience in organizing interdisciplinary research and establishing external collaborations; identified research directions with the highest impact.

Conducted research on machine learning and statistics applied to Smart Grid and renewable energy, traffic simulators for e-vehicles and urban planning.

Reviewed and interviewed research scientists and interns.

Group Leader / Principal Investigator

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Stuttgart Area, Germany                                                                                            

Principal investigator, independent research group leader in the field of “Statistical learning theory for autonomous systems”.

– Proposed support vector machines of a new generation, having infinite or data-dependent output spaces, and an unknown number of classes. Proved universal consistency of these SVMs.

– Managed the research group budget, invited and hosted external visitors. Conducted reviews of applications, interviewed applicants.

– Hired and directed one postdoctoral researcher.

Research Scientist

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Stuttgart Area, Germany                                                                                         

Joint employment at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology. Worked on machine learning theory, statistical and mathematical aspects of machine learning, and computational structural biology.

– Carried out research on statistics and machine learning for graphs and networks, such as biological and social networks and the Internet. Proposed a novel computationally feasible method for the analysis of properties of giant networks.

– Proposed a novel k-NN scan estimator for networks, and developed a theory establlishing the properties of the estimator for applications to large data sets.

– Developed novel unsupervised learning methods for the community detection problem and for finding communities in random graphs.

– Applied the newly developed methodology to data analysis in structural biology, in particular, to analysis of massive data sets of images from cryo-electron microscopy.

– Reviewer for a number of top conferences in machine learning.

Postdoctoral Researcher


Eindhoven, The Netherlands                                                                               

Carried out research on statistical and probabilistic image analysis, spatial statistics, statistical physics and statistics of networks.

– Proposed a groundbreaking method for the processing of noisy images. Developed the theory and implemented the method in R. Proposed algorithms are substantially quicker than competing methods, and have an extremely high accuracy.

– Applied the method to areas where massive amounts of data are collected and processed automatically and in real time, such as the insect vision modeling.


Bonn University

Cologne Area, Germany                                                                                         

Conducted research at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics and at the Institute for Applied Mathematics. Worked in stochastic analysis with applications to Mathematical Finance and Physics, and in discrete probability theory, in particular on random walks, random graphs and MCMC theory.

– Proposed a new method for proving inequalities for stochastic integrals, leading to strong results in estimation of stochastic processes. Worked on application of these results to study solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations.

– Taught courses at the Institute for Applied Mathematics:

Markov Processes (SS 2008): here you can check out a recent version of the lecture notes for this Ph.D. level course; feel free to solve some of the exercises that we composed.

Mathematical Finance (SS 2008), with topics including arbitrage, assets, portfolios, derivatives, market models, utility, portfolio optimization, risk measures, value at risk, hedging.

Ph.D. Student

Göttingen University

Göttingen, Germany                                                                                                 
Institute for Mathematical Stochastics.

PhD advisor: Prof. Axel Munk.

Teaching assistant: Asymptotic Statistics (WS 2005)

Business Intelligence Manager

Falk eSolutions AG

St Petersburg, Russia                                                                                                           

Founded in 1998, Falk eSolutions AG was a global provider of sophisticated ASP-solutions for online marketing. The core products, Falk AdSolution, Falk AdSolution FX and Falk MailSolution supported more than 300 vendors and website-operators as well as 50 agencies worldwide as an innovative AdServer-platform and a Rich Media management system, accompanied by an efficient e-mail-marketing system. Among the users were companies such as Ad Pepper Media, A & E Television Networks, Universal McCann and Mediacom. Falk eSolutions AG was later acquired by DoubleClick and eventually by Google.

I joined the company in 2004 as the Business Intelligence Department Head and was research and development lead in data mining, statisitcs, machine learning, optimization and algorithms applied to internet advertising.

Particular application areas included ads response prediction, contextual advertising, behavioral targeting, user modeling, log analysis, advertising metrics, A/B testing and real-time big data analytics.

Falk AdSolution became the third-largest ad management solution worldwide, serving over 30 Billion ad impressions per month.


Georg August University of Göttingen

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Statistics                                                                

Thesis: “Data-driven goodness-of-fit tests”.

– Pioneered a general mathematical framework and developed a powerful method for constructing data-driven tests of statistical hypotheses for the case when observations are available only indirectly. The tests are incorporated with model selection rules. Proved consistency of these tests and model selection procedures.

– These results lead to groundbreaking applications in statistical inverse problems. Notably, I solved deconvolution density testing problems with both known and unknown error densities.

– Applications include statistical inverse problems arising in signal processing, imaging, economics, biostatistics; semi- and nonparametric statistics, including statistics for stochastic processes, time series analysis, Gaussian processes; model selection and variable selection; machine learning, in particular, for establishing universal consistency of SVMs.

– PhD advisor: Prof. Axel Munk.

Eindhoven University of Technology

Post doctorate, Statistics                                                                                       

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Post doctorate, Probability Theory and Stochastic Analysis                            

Saint Petersburg State University

Master of Science (M.Sc.), Mathematics                                                              

With honors (Summa cum Laude)

Thesis: “On the generalized Goldbach Conjecture”



  • Native or bilingual proficiency


  • Native or bilingual proficiency


  • Professional working proficiency


  •  Elementary proficiency